I noticed a guy next to me using a keyboard that I thought I saw at keyboard.io connected to a MacBook. Excited I am! He is Mr. Jesse Vincent himself who I happened to know from Tatsuhiko Miyagawa's Podcast just listened to before leaving for this travel.
Naturally, I said hi and asked for a trial of the keyboard. "Hello World" It was so easy to type even using the keyboard for the first time. As Jesse said, I felt the buttons for the thumb need a little bit of tweak. He said this will be addressed in the next prototype. The blue parts being made with a 3D printer, electric connections made with wires, it seems that quick prototyping is the important point of the quick improvements. I am looking forward to purchasing one when it is on sale, hopefully this summer.
The details of the keyboard can be found in the presentation "Building a keyboard from scratch". You can even have a look of the old Tron keyboard. Photographs of higher resolution are posted as a Picasa album (Licensed under CC-by - photograph by zunda). You can find a Japanese translation of this entry.